The good thing with my dog, he knew where to pee and poops inside my condo. He also informed me whenever he finished his business by licking my feet until I wake up. But cleaning after your dogs’ pee and poop is not fun even if they’re already potty-trained. Escobar doesn’t know how to use the actual toilet and so, he peed and pooped on the bathroom’s floor. I am obliged to clean up after his business. Sometimes, he accidentally steps on his poop and runs to the bedroom which makes his poops scattered throughout my entire condo unit.
The smell is really the challenging part of cleaning your dog’s mess. The poops can be easily removed by flashing water but urine will stay longer on the floor. I have to use detergent and Zonrox every time I wash the bathroom’s tiles
Recently, I discovered this Enzymatic Cleaner because Facebook’s algorithm recommended such a product on my feed. I purchased it and gave it a try. Enzymatic cleaners are any cleaning products that use enzymes in their formulas to help break down stains and smell. Enzymes are macromolecular biological catalysts – good bacteria, yeast, and likes, that speed up chemical reactions; this usually occurs in the body, but in the case of enzymatic cleaners, the process is used for a different purpose which for pets, it neutralizes the odor.
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