⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ #Mandavax #Sinovac #LifeIntheCity
WATCH My Vlog:
I was surprised by how fast and efficient the process was.
Aug 16,2021 I went to Barangay Highway Hills to provide my name.
On Aug 17, I got my appointment set up and posted on their Facebook page.
Arrived at the RTU Gymnasium at 11:00 AM and left at 11:13 AM. That was the quickest vaccination ever which only took 13mins literally.
Congrats to Mandaluyong City Public Information Office.

If you're from the City of Mandaluyong or want to get vaccinated from any Mandaluyong Vaccination Site, I have attached the video below to watch the process on how to get vaccinated.
TIPS - Start to End Process.
Here is the list of what I did:
- 1. Pre-register at https://mandavax.mandaluyong.gov.ph/Mandaluyong/manda-vaccine/
- 2. Once registered, DO download the bar-coded registration form. You can keep it on your phone or have it printed.
- 3. Tip: Do not wait for a text message or call, based on my experience, I have already registered on Feb.2021 but no one confirms my appointment. I suggest going personally to your Barangay Hall and have them update the status. They'll post your appointment on their Facebook page.
- 4. TIP - The Front Desk of your Baranggay will ask for the printed copy of the bar-coded registration form so have it prepared for your convenience.
- 5. If you're a senior citizen and computer illiterate, let them know so they'll provide you the hard copy to fill out. Once Submitted, you just have to keep checking your name posted on their Facebook
- 6. Calling the hotlines is not advisable, honestly, I kept calling them but no one answered. In addition, if you have no phone at home, it is risky to go outside and utilize the payphone as random people used the payphone and might be the reason that you'll get infected.
But for reference below are the contacts:
• MANDAVAX Hotline Nos.
0917-17MANDA (62632)
0917-18MANDA (62632)
0917-67MANDA (62632)
8532-5001 loc 471 to 480
- 7. Once you have confirmed your appointment, go to the designated Vaccination Site
- 8. TIP: The faster you fill out the questionnaire, the quicker you'll get vaccinated. So, I suggest preparing your Philhealth Number, Address, and etc.
- Once vaccinated, you'll have to stay at least 10 mins to observe if you'll get an allergic reaction but believe me, you don't have to stay that long because the moment you'll get an allergy, you will feel it right away - like itchiness, dizziness, and difficulty of breathing, just like the way you feel when you'll have an allergic reaction to kinds of seafood.
- Please keep your vaccination card because it will indicate your next dose appointment.
- TIP: Bragging to social media is understandable but refrain from posting your vaccination card or bar-coded registration form online as it contains your private information like complete address, complete name, and medical records that can be used in phishing later on by online hackers.
DON'T Be choosy on the Vaccine Brand.
I understand this mantra "We Deserved Better", and being picky on the brand e.g. Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Sinovac, Sputnik V, Bharat, Moderna, NovaVax, and Janssen - is everyone's prerogative. However, in times like these when everyone is seeking the vaccine, can you afford to wait for a long time for the availability of the best brand when you're at risk of getting infected anytime.
Getting vaccinated is the main goal whichever brand is available. This is a matter of limited supply, sense of urgency, and efficacy of vaccine based on brand - those are factors you have to consider.
Below is the list of the Brands Approved by FDA Philippines.

I hope this blog post is helpful in making your decision. In the end, the world today is divided into two clear groups. The (1) Vaccinated Ones waiting for the non-vaccinated ones to die and the (2) Non-vaccinated Ones waiting for the vaccinated ones to die. Choose wisely.
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